• STATIONS OF THE LOST is a secular requiem, a theatre piece written by Dr. FELIX GRAHAM in collaboration with TRANScend, New York's trans/gender-expansive vocal ensemble, and RANDY POLUMBO, visual artist. The requiem performance and art installation will be premiered at SAINT JOHN'S IN THE VILLAGE on November 20, 2022. The requiem, in oratorio form, will be performed alongside an installation of 14 panels, replacing the traditional stations of the cross with commemorative art pieces honoring the lives of trans artists (both past and present).

  • Traditionally, memorial works for marginalized people have posed as a mea culpa - looking back in sorrow. While looking back is important, we believe that looking forward is just as important...and a lot more beneficial to the people still living. As such, we are creating new art music in the classical tradition in honor of the national trans day of remembrance/resilience. Not just to celebrate the trans artists who have been lost to violence or societal neglect, but to uplift the trans artists who are with us now.

  • There are three upcoming performances - two previews and the premiere. See event listings below for details and ticketing.

  • We’re so glad you asked! There’s a lot of ways to support TRANScend in this endeavor. You could buy a ticket to one of our shows. You could donate to ourdonate iser. You can share our GoFundMe with other interested folks. You could even come sing with us!