TDOV Vocal Recital


First Session | 12:30pm - 1:45pm
15 minute break
Second Session | 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Accompanied by Aerith Noriega

First Session

πŸ™Ÿ See But Don’t Stare - Mandy Kessler

πŸ™Ÿ Berceaux - Lichen Mulloy (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ I am a Voice that Sings - Crys(ta) Song, Juliet Cosme, Sarah Leonard, Eve Schaaf

πŸ™Ÿ Nacht und Traume - Izaak Ehrhardt (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ For Good - Aerith Noriega, Angie Quinn (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ A Wink and a Smile - Indigo Autz, Lichen Mulloy, Mjjah Baaz, Izaak Ehrhardt

πŸ™Ÿ Take You On - Mandy Kessler, Leo Moses

πŸ™Ÿ Sally’s Aria - Crys(ta) Song (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ Emerald River Dance - Indigo Autz, Shea (acc. Zera)

πŸ™Ÿ Go the Distance - Tom Leutheusser (acc. Aerith)

Second Session

πŸ™Ÿ They Call the Wind Maria - Freddy Vaccaro (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ My Father’s Son - Stevie Goughnour (acc. Johanna Pace)

πŸ™Ÿ I Like Myself - Alessandra Sierra (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ Not in a Silver Casket - Vee Visnov (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ You’re the Top - Falan Nuhring, Valentine Hueckel (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ Night and Day - Jae Carelli, Sage Vouse, Alessandra Sierra, Stevie Goughnour

πŸ™Ÿ Out There - Bailey C Lewis (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ Bruises - Atlas Hamel

πŸ™Ÿ Climb Every Mountain - Jae Carelli (acc. Aerith)

πŸ™Ÿ (original composition) - Amy Lopez

πŸ™Ÿ The Impossible Dream - Atlas Lee-Reid (acc. Aerith)

More trans music!

Don’t miss your chance to see TRANScend singer, Falan Nuhring, and TRANScend alumn, Kit James, at Trans Voices Cabaret this April!

Created by transgender actor and performer, Donnie Cianciotto, TVC has been a staple of our community since 2017, celebrating transgender and nonbinary seasoned performers and rising stars in New York City's musical theater scene. Cast members of Trans Voices Cabaret can be seen performing off-Broadway, on Showtime's Work In Progress, in the Transparent musical finale on Amazon, Steppenwolf Theatre, The Public Theater, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, The Green Room 42, 54 Below, Le Possoin Rouge, and more.

TRANScend is so excited to see our members performing with TVC, and we hope you’ll grab a ticket for their April 13th show at Caveat!

Click below to grab your tickets, and for more information, check out Trans Voices Cabaret on Instagram at @transvoicescabaret.

About Transcend

We are a New York-based trans / gender-expansive vocal ensemble whose focus is on creating inclusive, supportive performance and musical experiences, while exploring the unique aural aesthetic of trans and atypical voices singing classical works together. 

Transcend exists to bring trans and gender-expansive/gender non-conforming voices into the choral music of the western choral tradition. We perform art music (in all its forms) from medieval to contemporary, with a general focus on presenting works of composers from minority backgrounds.

Our goals are artistic, musical, pedagogical and socially-oriented: we are making interesting, thoughtful music, while using our voices to create space for gender-expansive voices in the traditional canon and carve out a legacy for future generations of trans or gender-expansive singers.

Keep in Touch

What’s Next?

save the date | Pride Concert June 21st

Join us for an exciting program of music that was just too spicy to be let loose in public!